

Coaching on Craft

Coaching on the craft of writing teaches you to ask productive questions at every stage of the writing process. It also stocks your writer’s toolbox. You’ll have the perfect technique at hand when you’re struck by inspiration and be able to keep chipping away even when inspiration is scarce. I can help you develop the skills needed at all levels of composition, from the individual words you choose all the way up to your preferred structures of arguments and narratives.

Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to focus on productive writing questions. That’s where mindset coaching helps.


Mindset Coaching

Mindset coaching addresses the thought patterns that keep or distract you from writing. Using basic concepts from cognitive science, I teach you to shift your writing mindset away from anxiety, perfectionism, self-doubt, and impostor syndrome.

Once you’ve identified the thoughts getting in the way of your writing, you can redirect your brain towards thinking in ways that move your writing forward. Coaching on the craft of writing develops exactly that kind of thinking.